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Brooke, Weblogs as Deictic Systems

Brooke, Collin Gifford. "Weblogs as Deictic Systems: Centripetal, Centrifugal, and Small-World Blogging." Computers and Composition Online Fall 2005: http://www.bgsu.edu/cconline/brooke/index.html (23 August 2006).

For the moment, this is simply a sample entry, to test out the recent reviews feature. I've set this up so that, when I am taking notes on specific texts, I'll categorize those entries as "h&g" (for hunting and gathering), and they should show up both in the recent posts sidebar as well as in the recently reviewed, the big difference between that non-review posts won't show up in the latter.

Make sense? I'm going to make sure it works first...

(and yes, I realize that I have to lay out my archive pages better. Soon, soon, soon.)


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» Arrogance Checklist from Listics
(From Collin Brooke, via Barbara Ganley, via Technorati search for JP Rangaswami’s “Confused of Calcutta.“) It’s a good post, tight enough that it’s hard to excerpt without turning it into chopped meat, but the following c... [Read More]