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So repugnant even a caveman in a burger suit at the UPS whiteboard would say so

Speaking of commercials, as far too many people are this time of year, I present to you the four most shudderingly foul words I can imagine:

Maple Cheddar Breakfast Sandwich

I'm no fan of bad commercials, goodness knows, but at least most of them are bad commercials on behalf of pleasantly mediocre products. I'll be honest: the very notion of the MCBS makes me want to avoid the business in question. Not that I go there more than once or twice a year, but still. Yuck.

Go Bears!


Didn't watch the game because I noticed an adorable pomeranian running into the in zone of Animal Planet's Puppy Bowl III and chose to watch that instead. The notion of a MCBS seems familiar though. I think I remember seeing a sign for one in a certain popular store in the Northeast. There's one on every corner - even in our student center.

Am I right?

You're right, T. I'm just avoiding their name so as not to attract the astroturfers.

Is that like a southwestern sizzing fajita gravy pepperjack salad with Jack Daniels sauce, onion straws and angus beef crabcake cheddar biscuits?

"angus beef crabcake"? Ewww.

"Certified" Angus Beef Crabcake Cheddar Biscuits. They melt in your arteries and make you feel like a McMillion Bucks!

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